The Raft

The online leadership program for women physicians.

  1. The Raft Read Aloud
  2. The Raft Dc
  3. The Raft Bar Fair Haven Mi
  4. The Raft Of The Medusa

At the Intersection of Leadership & Wellness

Come for the Content. Stay for the Community!

The Raft is an underwater prison created for the sole purpose of detaining and incarcerating enhanced individuals.

The raft game download
  1. The RAFT program helps keep households in stable housing situations when facing eviction, foreclosure, loss of utilities, and other housing emergencies caused by loss of income, increase in expenses, or both. RAFT helps all kinds of households by providing up to $10,000 per household to help preserve current housing or move to new housing.
  2. The raft seems almost magic as he is able to get close to the wildlife and it releases his inner creativity. It is a rather clever book about how something so simple can generate relationships. It's a charming tale for any student to read and imagine the raft as something for. Genre: Modern Fantasy.
  3. The raft has a calming magic about it, affecting both Nicky and the wildlife of the river and woods. Through the raft and the adventures it brings him on, Nicky finds new common ground with his grandmother, a fellow river rat, who encourages him to explore his newfound talent for art.

Loneliness seeps in for leaders.
I feel alone
With no one
To guide me.

Like otters,
My raft of women support me.
Wrap me gently in seaweed
Hold me
To keep me from floating away.
Keep me safe.
Nurture me, teach me, mentor me
Appreciate and honour me,
Believe in me
So I can be my best.

-Mamta Gautam, 2020

To inquire about membership packages for groups or organizations, please email

Take a Look at What Each Member of the Raft Receives…

This event is an Accredited Group Learning Activity (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, and approved by the University of Ottawa’s Office of Continuing Professional Development for one credit per hour.

The one credit per hour Group learning program meets the certification criteria of the College of Family Physicians of Canada, and has been certified by the University of Ottawa’s Office of Continuing Professional Development for 1 Mainpro+ credit per hour.

The Masters: Learning from current women leaders in medicine

The Allies: Learning from our male colleagues who support and sponsor us

Leadership Resilience: Maintaining our own health and wellness

Journal Club: The Raft Leadership Journal Club highlights an article on leadership for discussion

*Discounted pricing for trainees in medicine.
Residents: $17/month or $170/year
Medical students: Complimentary access

To inquire about membership packages for groups or organizations, please email

I can't make the weekly calls. Should I even bother joining?

The Raft

YES! All calls are recorded and the recordings are available to (re)watch in our member library. We welcome your questions in our private member community, and will answer any questions we receive either in the group directly or on the call. There is a lot more value offered outside of the calls, including the blog.

I’m just starting out and a long way from a leadership position. Why would I want to join now?

All physicians are leaders. You can start your leadership journey at any stage of your medical career. The earlier the better! As a trainee, remember that medical institutions have designated “leadership” as a core medical competency. In Canada, the CanMEDS 2015 Physician Competency Framework defines the Leader Role as one of the seven key Roles that lead to optimal physician performance, care delivery and health care outcomes. Yet, these leadership skills are rarely taught and reinforced across the continuum of medical training. As a practicing physician, you will be leading within your team, in your office or in your clinic. As you gain more leadership experience, you will get more out of the content and discussion. The community is multigenerational, and has experienced leaders who will both gain from the content and conversations, as well as contribute to the learnings.

How are my monthly payments processed?

Monthly payments are accepted via credit or debit card only. Charges will run every month, on the day on which you signed up.

What if I need/want additional support?

Feel free to reach out confidentially at any time. PEAK MD offers a variety of programs and services, including Developmental Coaching, Just-in-Time Problem-Focused Coaching, and Preparation for Job Interviews, including CV and Interview Preparation. Just tell us what you need and we will point you in the right direction. If we can’t do it, we will help you find someone who can.

I’m not very technical. Can I do this?

Yes! The Raft was designed to be easy to 1) access, 2) consume content and 3) interact with the community. If you know how to visit a web site (which I know you do since you’re here), you will have no trouble participating — and thus benefitting from the content!

I’m super busy. Can I do this?

Absolutely! While you are always invited to join our member calls live, all content is available to consume within our membership community when your schedule allows.

Is there a money-back guarantee?

Simply put, no. There is no money-back guarantee and there is not a refund policy. You will have access to valuable content the moment you access the community, and it is your responsibility to dedicate time accordingly.

Does The Raft require a contract or minimum commitment?

The Raft Read Aloud

No.You are welcome to cancel your membership at any time. Simply email to cancel.

The Raft is a special bi-weekly series, assembled by the Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation, Plum Village Monastery, Parallax Press, and the Plum Village App team to help keep you grounded and connected during these challenging times, and to inspire your mindfulness practice.

The Raft Dc

Each issue includes a Dharma talk, guided meditation, upcoming online events, and other resources for your mindfulness practice, such as toolkits for kids, reflections by monastics, poetry and visual art, and more.

The Meaning of “The Raft”

The Raft Bar Fair Haven Mi

The Buddha compared his teachings to a raft that helps us cross over to the other shore - the shore of peace, freedom, and well-being. Similarly, The Raft series is a body of teachings and practices crested to uplift us as we cross this difficult moment in our collective history.
“We should use the teaching like a raft to bring us across the river. And then when we've crossed the river, we can leave the raft there for someone else to use.”
As Thich Nhat Hanh has taught, once we have benefitted from the raft of the Dharma, we should make it available to others. If you’ve enjoyed The Raft series, please share it with your fellow Sangha members, friends, and loved ones.

The Raft Of The Medusa

Past Raft Issues