Published |
Legend |
AI | Acquisitions Incorporated |
BG:DA | Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus |
CM | Candlekeep Mysteries |
CoS | Curse of Strahd |
DC | Divine Contention |
DMG | Dungeon Master's Guide |
E:RLW | Eberron: Rising from the Last War |
EGW | Explorer's Guide to Wildemount |
GGR | Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica |
GoS | Ghosts of Saltmarsh |
ID:RF | Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden |
IMR | Infernal Machine Rebuild |
LLK | Lost Laboratory of Kwalish |
LMP | Lost Mine of Phandelver |
MOT | Mythic Odysseys of Theros |
OoA | Out of the Abyss |
PoA | Princes of the Apocalypse |
RoT | The Rise of Tiamat |
SDW | Sleeping Dragon's Wake |
SKT | Storm King's Thunder |
TCE | Tasha's Cauldron of Everything |
ToA | Tomb of Annihilation |
ToD | Tyranny of Dragons |
TYP | Tales from the Yawning Portal |
VRGR | Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft |
VGM | Volo's Guide to Monsters |
WDH | Waterdeep - Dragon Heist |
XGE | Xanathar's Guide to Everything |
I recall seeing somewhere in a 5e book a table for mixing potions and the resulting effect. Does anyone know where it might reside? I can't find it now that I need it (using the search box) in Beyond).
Potion Mixing : DnD
- 5e Crafting Potions and Poisons - Dungeon Masters Guild Dungeon Masters Guild. Average Rating (31 ratings) A table for crafting all of the 5e potions and poisons using a slightly faster formula for crafting so that crafting potions isn't such a miserably long task. I used Saidoro's Sane Magical Prices pdf to gauge the prices of the potions.
- Mar 08, 2015 Mixing Potions (DMG p140) These rules are straight from the AD&D 2nd edition DMG so I am compelled to use them. Quaff a second potion while still under the effect of a first, or mix potions together and consume the results and something unexpected may happen. Permanent Potions (5e Variant Rule) From D&D Wiki.
Dnd 5e Dmg Guide Mixing Potions
Item Name | Type | Attuned | Source |
Potion of Climbing | Potion | - | DMG |
Potion of Healing | Potion | - | DMG |