Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) expands upon the team-based action gameplay that it pioneered when it launched in 1999. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is an action-packed game that builds upon the popular Counter-Strike franchise. It features first-person shooters that permanently die when attacked. Players fight terrorists as part of a team and participate in rescue missions and attacks. Designed for Windows, CS: GO features new characters, maps, weapons,.
Counter Strike Go
Announcing the CS:GO Dreams & Nightmares Workshop Contest
2021.07.21 -
On July 22nd we are launching the $1 Million Dreams & Nightmares Workshop Contest.
We are looking for 10 original dream or nightmare-themed weapon finishes for CS:GO. Each of the 10 winning entries will earn $100,000. Beyond submitting your original weapon finish to the CS:GO Workshop, all you need to enter is a non-limited Steam account. And yes, teams of more than one person can also enter.
To help content creators get a better feel for what we’re looking for we’ve launched a dedicated web site for the contest. Here you will find more info on the types of finishes we’re looking for, examples of the Dreams & Nightmares theme, info on how to enter, details of the contest, and more. We’ve also created a sub forum in CS:GO’s Discussions for artists, technical artists, and others to collaborate on contest-themed submissions and ideas.
We launched the Workshop on Steam almost 10 years ago in the hopes of creating a centralized hub for community created content. Since then, over five million content creators have submitted and published over 20 million new items for a variety of games on Steam, making them available to millions of gamers around the world. And, as everyone who plays these games knows – including CS players – many of the most iconic in-game items, maps, and more have been authored by members of the community. The Dreams & Nightmares Content Contest is designed to help further support this community.
If you have any questions or comments about the contest, please email us at using the subject “Dreams & Nightmares.”
Officially Free-to-Play Counter-Strike. Licensed by Valve Software
New Skins, Maps, Game Modes and More In a Counter-Strike MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online) Experience
Create your own maps, or modify existing ones with the tools and customize them to your liking. Share them with the community and explore what others have to offer in return.
The war between humans and zombies rages on. Grab your weapons and fight with other players against the undead on the battlefield.
Join funtastic events which are held from time to time, and be rewarded with cash items. It’s not always all about the shooting.
Unbox premium and exclusive contents with the unique loot box system. Try your luck and who knows, you might win something amazing!