Microsoft Word Decimal Tab

Setting Tabs

Tabs are a paragraph-formatting feature used to align text. When you press the Tab key, Word inserts a tab character and moves the insertion point to the tab setting, called the tab stop. You can set custom tabs or use Word’s default tab settings.

Five Types of Tab Stops in Word. Word includes five different tab stops: The left tab places left-aligned text to the right of the tab stop. (This is the most common tab stop.) The center tab centers text on the tab stop. The right tab places right-aligned text to the left of the tab stop. The decimal tab aligns text based on the first decimal. Word offers several types of tab stop alignment that you can use. One of those types is a decimal tab. If a tab stop has been designated as a decimal tab, then text is aligned according to a decimal point or period in the text. As you have probably already ascertained, decimal tabs are used most frequently to align columns of numbers. Therefore, left tabs will left-align adjacent text, right tabs will right-align adjacent text, center tabs will center-align adjacent text, and the decimal tab aligns numbers by their decimal points. The bar tab, which is often used in conjunction with the other tabs, simply draws a vertical bar when you tab over its position within the line. Lastly, you would click on the Tab Selector until you came to the Decimal Tab, then you would click on the 5.5 inch mark. After you have the tabs set up you can start entering the data. Press the Tab key to get to the first tab. Type Rhianna then press the tab key before typing the data in each of the other columns.

Tabs are set to distribute text evenly between the left and right margins. Word’s default tabs are set every half-inch. These tabs are indicated at the bottom of the horizontal ruler by tiny tick marks.


If you don’t want to use the default tabs that are set at half-inch tabs, you have two choices. Change the distance between the default/existing tabs or create custom tabs.

The four most common types of custom tabs are left-aligned, centered, right-aligned, and decimal-aligned. Custom tab settings are indicated on the horizontal ruler by tab markers.

There are two ways to set tabs. By either using the Tabs Dialog Box or using the ruler.

Microsoft Word Decimal Tab

Setting tabs by using the ruler is an easy, two-step process. Click the Tab Alignment button on the left of the ruler to choose the type of alignment and then click the position on the ruler to set the tab.

Adjusting Tab Settings

Microsoft Word Decimal Tab Stop

You can adjust tabs inserted in a document by using either the Tabs dialog box or the ruler (by clicking and dragging).

Microsoft Word Decimal Tab In Table

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