Ableton Pitch

  1. Ableton Pitch Bend
  2. Ableton Pitch Correction
  3. Ableton Pitch Hack
  4. Ableton Pitch Bend

Electronic music producer Mormo wanted a specific sound. He took matters into his own hands and used Max for Live to make it happen in a day.


The 'record stop' sound - caused by a vinyl record slowing down after the turntable's motor is stopped - is a classic effect used by DJs and turntabilist. Glitch-hop producer Mormo took matters into his own hands and created the Pitch Drop device.

After familiarizing himself with Max for Live, Mormo worked for a single day on his first Max for Live creation. The result is the wonderfully simple Pitch Drop device, which takes incoming audio and slows it down at an adjustable rate.

Ableton Pitch Bend


Ableton Pitch Correction

Make some patterns using pitches, just like you did with drums. You can move notes around the grid by clicking and dragging them. In the next lesson, you'll add more pitches and learn how to organize them into scales. Max 7 Pitch and Time Machines is a free collection of devices that make use of new real-time intonation, pitch and time correction capabilities of Max 7. Included in Live 11 Suite. With the release of Max 7, Cycling ‘74 introduced a number of new capabilities to the venerable visual programming language. Among the many innovations are a. Another important aspect of sound is pitch — its relative “highness” or “lowness.”. This control affects just the synth’s pitch: Listen to the pitch change as you drag the slider. Many musical instruments allow you to control pitch. For example, keys on the left side of a piano play lower pitches, while keys on the right side. Step 1: Open Live, set the project tempo to 128bpm and drag your vocal onto an audio track. Duplicate the audio track by right-clicking the track name and selecting Duplicate. Name the first track Main Vocal, and the second track Processed Vocal. Step 2: Double-click the clip on the Processed Vocal track to bring up its Clip view. In this lesson, you'll learn about pitch, which is the relative 'highness' or 'lowness' of sound. Drag in the field below to explore pitch. Lower pitches are to the left, higher pitches to the right. Some pitches (or notes) have specific names. Here are five common pitches.

Ableton Pitch Hack

Using Pitch Drop

Pitch Drop has only two controls:

Ableton Pitch Bend

  • the Drop Duration knob sets how long it takes for the pitch (and thus speed) to drop to zero after Drop Activate is pressed
  • the Drop Activate button enables the pitch drop effect. Pressing it again resumes normal audio